New learning experience of SQL

Ksb 94495
3 min readOct 17, 2020

Introduction to SQL -SQL stands for structured query language. This is coding (programming) language to facilitate to get the specific information from the database. This language is used by data professionals including data scientists, analysts and data engineers. The SQL is used by almost big tech companies to visualize and to make the decisions in the organization.

I have learnt the basics of SQL in Khan academy. khan academy is the one of the free learning platform website you can learn anything from it. The course is categorized into 5 parts they are

  1. Basics of SQL
  2. More advanced SQL queries
  3. relational queries in SQL
  4. Modifying the data base with SQL
  5. Further learning in SQL.

These each and every part of the course you learn by watching one video and one task related to the video which will help in learning in the code parallelly which will save time and it help us to concentrate on one particular concept of programming rather than all the concept in one go and at the end of the individual part having the one minor project which will help you to recall all the one all individual part programming concepts, this way of learning makes us easy to lean and also to remember the programming method and concepts.

Basics of SQL

In this part you learn how to create the table and inserting the table and something related to basic of queries and aggregating methods and final project on design a store data base.

More advanced SQL queries

the part is learn how to perform more advanced SQL queries using AND /OR, IN, LIKE, GROUP BY, HAVING and many more. these all are helps in forming the required table and also to extract the data from the data base these are the commands which make our task easy to know the database and to understand the database and the in the final there is a mini project called Data dig.

Relational queries in SQL

Here you learn how to store the related data in multiple tables and using of the joins to bring them together (outer joins , inner joins, self joins). this part is main use of splitting the data related to tables as well as joining of the data. In lastly there is concept of more efficient SQL with query planning and optimization.

Modifying the data base with SQL

this part will teach you how to delete the data update the data and modifying the table schemas with SQL commands ALTER, DROP, DELETE, UPDATE. you learn how to renovate the database, altering the the rows with help of delete and update command and the final project on App Impersonator

What to learn Next

  1. Try different platform and environment of the SQL
  2. learn more about SQL
  3. Go deeper on database

the website is made me to grasp the basic level knowledge of SQL and its fundamentals this provided a better experience and different path of learning i hope this blog helps you to get the idea about SQL and i hope you got some of the information regarding free learning website i hope i share what i learnt from it may this content help in your path of learning.

